How You Optimize Your Website in Search Engines By Using Ping

How You Optimize Your Website in Search Engines By Using Ping


Ping is a tool provided by the service provider. Using ping you can send the information search engines about your new posts. Of course this blog ping can provide benefits to your blog such as it will optimize your blog in search engines, can affect the position of our posts on search engines result, and will automatically increase your blog visitors.

Free pinging services that you can use are :

All you have to do is just enter the post title and url of the post that you want to ping.

Simple Way To Block Any Website In Computer?

Simple Way To Block Any Website In Computer?

1. Go to C drive of your computer.

2. Go to Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/

3. In ETC folder, there will be a file named hosts. Double click on that file. It will ask for a program to open that file. Choose WORDPAD to open that file.

4. After opening that file, at last there will be one IP address. Ex. Copy that IP address and press enter. Then Paste the IP and press the tab. Now enter the website you want to block in your computer.

5. After entering website, save the file. That's it. You are done. Your website is blocked.

Popular Reasons Why Google Isn't Indexing your Website

Popular Reasons Why Google Isn't Indexing your Website

Why Google is not Indexing my Site?! Are you facing the same Problem? Having you website indexed by Google is one of the most important parts of SEO. Your site must be indexed by Google if you want to get massive organic traffic from Google. If your site is not indexed, you are lost. You will get no organic traffic from Google and no one will see your site in the Google Search Results. If you're facing the problem that Google is not indexing your site, so in this article we're sharing some possible reasons due to which Google is not indexing your site.

Your Website have Lots of Duplicate Content


Having Duplicate content is a major problem which prevents Google to index your website/blog. To much duplicate content on your site confuses the search engines and they give up on indexing your site. If multiple pages/URL's on your website are returning to the exact same content, then your website has a duplicate content issue and that's the reason Google is not indexing your site.

Your Site is Indexed under a www or non-www Domain

If your website is indexed under a www or non-www Domain, then Google may not index your site because technically www is a sub-domain. So, be sure that you add both with www and without www domain to GWT and verify ownership of both domains.

Google may not have Discovered your Site

If your website is new, then Google may not have discovered it yet. Wait for a few days and for better indexing Sign Up for Google Webmaster Tools and submit your sitemap. This helps Google crawl and index pages that it might not discover through normal crawling process.

Meta Tags

If your site has NOINDEX and NOFOLLOW meta tags in your template, it means you're saying no to the robots. Basically, these tags prevent Google to index your site. Here is the meta tag, so be sure that your site doesn't have these type of tags:


Robots.txt Disallow 

This file is in the root of your website and it communicates with search engines to index your site or not. If this file contains User-agent: * Disallow: / it means that its saying to crawlers that not to index any page of your site. The fix is easy, just remove that text from that text file and your site will be indexed.

Your Site Don't Have a Sitemap.xml

Submit Your Site Map To Google

Your Site Takes too Long to Load

If your website takes too much time to load then Google might not index your pages. Because in this case spiders will skip your site as they can't reach it, so they'll not index your site.

Connectivity or DNS Problems

If your website has downtimes, for this reason spiders cannot reach your server when they try to crawl, they fail, due to downtime. So check your connectivity and the fix is to contact your hosting provider or buy a new one.

There are also some other reasons that cause your site not indexed by Google. So if you're facing Google Index problem, then read and fix the above reasons and keep searching for more till your site gets indexed.

How You Increase Your Web Traffic By Adding Good Keywords In Posts

How You Increase Your Web Traffic By Adding Good Keywords Under In Posts


If you have original and SEO friendly content in your blog, then no doubt you can surely get high ranking in search results. Writing SEO friendly blog posts is not much tough as beginners think. We just need to focus on some places where we can add keywords in our blog posts to make them optimized for search engines. Don’t forget, optimizing blog posts for search engines is not mean to compromise with content quality. We have to add keywords in a proper way so that it looks natural for our readers and for search engines too. I’ll outline 6 best locations to add keywords in blogger blog posts. Hope you would like to know them.

Optimize Blog Posts By Adding Keywords Smartly

Before I cover today’s topic, you must need to know that adding too much keywords in blog posts is not good for our blog health. We should keep its density about 2% or less for better optimization of our blog posts.

The locations I’m going to tell you to add keywords are the safest and best locations of our blog area. If you want to get your blog posts rank high in search results, then don’t miss to target below locations:

1# Starting and Ending Para of Content

Whenever you write new post for your blog, always remember to add your main keyword in first and last paragraph of your content’s. Both the locations are best for this purpose and search engines also look for keywords in these two places to decide the ranking of our blog posts.

We can add more targeted words in the form of phrases between the content to make it more SEO friendly.

Note: Don’t use same words again and again. Better to use multiple and relevant words. Using multiple related word not only protect our content from keyword stuffing penalty but also help it to appear high with multiple search terms. Hence more targeted traffic to our blog.

2# Image Name, Alt Tag and Title Tag

We all know that images plays best role in explanation of the topic. But using images we can also optimize our blog posts even better.

We just need to optimize our images before inserting them into our posts. The better we optimize the images, the better our posts will optimize for search engines. Read below mentioned post to know best 6 ways to optimize images.

  • 6 Tips To Optimize Images For SEO

If we talk about adding targeted words in blog posts using images, then let me tell you that image’s name, title tag and alt tag are the best and prominent places.

3# Title Of Our Posts

Our post titles are the top most places to add our targeted keywords. You may listen that we should use catchy post titles to attract more readers. But with catchy post titles we should also remember to add our keywords there.

Meaningful post titles grab more audience. Not only from social sharing sites, but from search engines too.

So, always try to use meaningful and catchy post titles to boost your posts traffic.

4# Permalink of Posts

Permalink is the URL of our blog posts. It’s a killer location to add really targeted keywords.

By default, permalinks create on the basis of our post’s titles. But we can use our custom permalinks to add our keywords.

To add custom permalinks go to your Post Editor > click on Permalink from the right side menu and choose Custom Permalink. Add your main keywords there and press Done button.

Note: Always try to use only targeted keywords in permalinks. Other non important words should be ignored.

5# Post Labels

Post labels not only used to categorize our blog posts. If used smartly then we can take their benefits to optimize our blog posts too.

Stop using non keyword rich names for your labels. Named them correctly and put your really targeted words there.

If you had forgetten to insert your keywords in label’s name, then don’t worry. We can rename them too.

6# Post Comments

Many bloggers are unaware with this trick that we can use our blog comments too to add some keywords in our blog posts.

Yes, you heard it right. There are lot of benefits of blog comments and if we use them effectively then no doubt we can get higher ranking in search results.

Whenever you reply your reader’s comment on your blog, try to add some keyword phrases in your reply in a natural way that looks obvious while reading.

Note: Instead of adding your focused words try to use some long tail keywords in your comment section. In that way you can improve your keywords ranking too.

Final Words!

This is my strategy to add keywords in blogger blog posts. And truly said these methods really help me to gain higher rankings in search results. I had shared all the working ways to optimize blog posts.

How You Come Your Site In Google First Page?

How You Come Your Site In Google First Page?


Actually START Your Blog

This may seem counter-intuitive, but until you’ve hit “go” you’ll be making excuses on this or that, and it’s always going to be “tomorrow”. Well, tomorrow never comes, all you have is today. Nothing happens until you start, so just do it. You’ll tweak and improve it as you go, that’s life.

Choose A Great Blog Host, Who Will Actually Help You Become Successful

No, not some “free” blog host, you get what you pay for lol. And not some old school web host where you’re installing and updating your own software.

We started BlogPress to help new bloggers with these same questions beginning to end, and to help make them successful. If you’re looking for a team to help you succeed, BlogPress is where you want to be. Not only will our team do all the blog hosting stuff, but they’ll teach you how to be a successful blogger.

Choose A Great Topic / Niche For Your Blog

This should be a topic or topics you’re passionate about and can actually write about for a while to come. It will be difficult to blog about something you have no interest in. There is money to be made in almost any popular niche if you’re willing to do the work to own it.

And whatever you do, don’t be afraid to tackle a popular competitive market. You don’t have to be #1 (or even on the first page of Google) to get millions of visitors to your blog. Yes, it’s awesome to see yourself #1 for a search term, but it’s not necessary to have a successful blog.

What is important is to be consistent and to stick with it. If you can outlast your competition, you will be successful.

Get Your Blog Looking Like You Want It

Select a theme that matches your personal style, add a header and images to really make it pop. (Again, this is where BlogPress can really help… You’ll have access to awesome premium themes at no additional cost.)

Write Great Content That People Actually Want To Read

This doesn’t have to be hard!

Top-10 lists work great… answering questions works great too. Just be genuine, be helpful, and be you. Let your personality come through! Don’t try to write like an encyclopedia. People will read your stuff more because of your personality, so let it out!

Make a list of the top questions people in your niche have, and use that as your list of article ideas. Keep adding to this list over time, and you’ll never be short of ideas to write about.

Keep a notepad or voice recorder with you at all times. The best article ideas come to you when you’re stuck in traffic or on the toilet LOL

Publish Content Regularly!

This will show Google and your readers that you’re serious. Instead of publishing 4 articles in a week and nothing for 3 months, write articles when you’re feeling inspired, and schedule them to publish at a regular intervals like 1 per week or even every other week. You can go back and fill in the gaps as you write more content.

Engage With Other Bloggers In Your Niche

Search for other bloggers in your niche and leave comments on their blog, link to their most helpful posts. Be a useful addition to the community. In many cases they will do the same for you – especially if you are providing value on a consistent basis.

Promote Your Blog In Social Media

This means sharing your blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. In the beginning, YOU have to spread the word and in time, your following will grow on its own.

Every time you share a link to your blog on one of these sites, it’s a new link back to your blog. Even better when other people like it enough to share it… Google needs to know that other people like your blog enough to link to it.

Just a quick note on back links… Do not pay for links and do not get involved in link exchanges. These tactics may work for the short-term, but Google has teams of people whose job it is to prevent this type of “inflated” growth. Long term, your best bet is to really create a solid resource for your niche – that’s how you STAY listed in Google.

Build An Email List

Make it easy for your readers to subscribe to your email list. In time this will be where a large portion of your repeat visitors and your revenue come from. If Google sees that you can drive your own traffic, they will be more likely to send you their traffic!

We recommend MailChimp for email list management. They have awesome tutorials and live chat support.

Become A Successful Blogger

Make sure to read our blogging tips articles and subscribe to our email list for weekly tips if you’ve not done so yet.

And if you’re serious about starting and growing your blog, be sure you start your blog with BlogPress, where you’ll actually have help every step of the way from people who have actually started and built successful blogs themselves.

What Is Google Bombing?

What Is Google Bombing?


When a blog owner has finally achieved the spot he or she wanted on Google’s search page, they may decide to start “Google bombing”. This means they will start to create many other “mini-blogs”, or blogs which have the minimal amount of elements necessary to constitute a webpage and link that quasi-webblog back to the main one. This means that higher ranking blog can possibly have hundreds to thousands of links directing users to it in a few days or weeks. When Google discovers this, they will undoubtedly investigate this unnatural phenomenon and take action against the owner.

What Is The Mean Of Cloaking In SEO Terms?

What Is The Mean Of Cloaking In SEO Terms?


Cloaking is another blackhat tactic that will put you on Google’s naughty list. This means that a blog owner is attempting to direct users to different URL’s other than the real one found on a Google search. For example, someone may serve a page of HTML text to a variety of search engines but display a page of Flash content or .JPG images to users. blog owners generally employ cloaking when they have elements embedded in their page that isn’t searchable material to a search engine.

According to Google guidelines regarding cloaking, when Googlebot retains a page that uses JavaScript, it isn’t able to follow links which may be concealed within the programming language itself. While JavaScript is a legitimate language to use in a web page, those who implement JavaScript just to trick Google and other search engines is definitely not a valid method to use when trying to rank high on Google.

Webmaster guidelines for Google state that putting a different text inside a Java tag rather than a “no-script” tag breaches the rule regarding the appearance of alternate content for users than for search blogs which “see” that no-script text.